Getting Started

Getting started


Installing Portefaix

There are various ways to install Portefaix. Choose one of the following options to suit your environment (public cloud, existing Kubernetes cluster, or a single-node cluster which you can use on a desktop or server or in the cloud).

Installing Portefaix on a public cloud

Choose the Portefaix deployment guide for your chosen cloud:


Infrastructure management

  • Terraform: Bootstraps and manages the cloud provider infrastructure.
  • Crossplane: Kubernetes-native infrastructure management.

Cluster management

  • Argo CD: Reconciles kubernetes clusters with this repository.
  • Kyverno: Policy engine supporting validate, mutate, generate, and cleanup rules.
  • Renovate: Automatic updates for applications via pull requests.



  • Cilium: eBPF-based CNI & service mesh.
  • Cert Manager: Automatic Let’s Encrypt certificates.


  • Authentik: Identity Provider.
  • Tetragon: eBPF-based security observability and runtime enforcement.
  • Trivy: Kubernetes and container vulnerability scanner.


  • Grafana: Visualization platform.
  • Prometheus: Monitoring system.
  • Loki: Log aggregation system.
  • Tempo: High-scale distributed tracing backend
  • Mimir: Horizontally scalable TSDB for long-term storage for Prometheus
  • Alloy: The OpenTelemetry Distribution from Grafana




See the Portefaix troubleshooting guide.

Last modified June 4, 2024: feat(doc): add components (3342e9c)