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Getting Started

How to get started using Portefaix.

1 - Overview

Overview of installation choices for various environments

This document provides information about setting up Portefaix in various environments.

Before you begin

It’s important that you have some knowledge of the following systems and tools:

2 - Getting Started

Getting started


Installing Portefaix

There are various ways to install Portefaix. Choose one of the following options to suit your environment (public cloud, existing Kubernetes cluster, or a single-node cluster which you can use on a desktop or server or in the cloud).

Installing Portefaix on a public cloud

Choose the Portefaix deployment guide for your chosen cloud:


Infrastructure management

  • Terraform: Bootstraps and manages the cloud provider infrastructure.
  • Crossplane: Kubernetes-native infrastructure management.

Cluster management

  • Argo CD: Reconciles kubernetes clusters with this repository.
  • Kyverno: Policy engine supporting validate, mutate, generate, and cleanup rules.
  • Renovate: Automatic updates for applications via pull requests.



  • Cilium: eBPF-based CNI & service mesh.
  • Cert Manager: Automatic Let’s Encrypt certificates.


  • Authentik: Identity Provider.
  • Tetragon: eBPF-based security observability and runtime enforcement.
  • Trivy: Kubernetes and container vulnerability scanner.


  • Grafana: Visualization platform.
  • Prometheus: Monitoring system.
  • Loki: Log aggregation system.
  • Tempo: High-scale distributed tracing backend
  • Mimir: Horizontally scalable TSDB for long-term storage for Prometheus
  • Alloy: The OpenTelemetry Distribution from Grafana




See the Portefaix troubleshooting guide.