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Instructions for deploying Portefaix on Oracle Cloud Kubernetes (OCE)

1 - Install Portefaix

Instructions for deploying Portefaix on Oracle Cloud


Configure Oracle CLI. See

Load environment :

❯ . ./ oci

Then authentication:

❯ make -f hack/build/ oci-authenticate  ENV=staging

Create a new compartment

❯ make -f hack/build/ oci-compartment ENV=staging

Storage for Terraform

Check compartement ID from output of the previous command and create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/ oci-bucket ENV=staging COMPARTMENT_ID=ocid1.compartment.oc1....


❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/oci/root ENV=main
❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/oci/terraform-cloud ENV=main

Terraform Cloud / Github Actions

Terraform Cloud is used as the remote backend. Github Actions perform tasks to deploy the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Configure Terraform Cloud workspaces:

❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/oci/terraform-cloud ENV=main

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

2 - Inspec Portefaix

Instructions for check Portefaix infrastructure on Exoscale

3 - Uninstall Portefaix

Instructions for uninstall Portefaix