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Instructions for deploying Portefaix on IBMCloud IKS

1 - Install Portefaix

Instructions for deploying Portefaix on IBMCloud


# IBMCloud
export IAAS_CLASSIC_USERNAME="xxxxxxxxxxxx"
export IC_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export IAAS_CLASSIC_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# For Terraform Backend S3
# See 

And load environment :

❯ . ./ ibmcloud


❯ make -f hack/build/ ibmcloud-init ENV=staging

Then, generate the right set of HMAC credentials : documentation

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxxxxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Storage for Terraform

Create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/ ibmcloud-bucket-create ENV=staging



❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/ibmcloud/vpc ENV=staging


❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/ibmcloud/iks ENV=staging

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

2 - Inspec Portefaix

Instructions for check Portefaix infrastructure on IBMCloud

3 - Uninstall Portefaix

Instructions for uninstall Portefaix