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Microsoft Azure

Running Portefaix on Azure

1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Microsoft Azure
Portefaix components Portefaix components

2 - Install on Microsoft Azure

Running Portefaix on Microsoft Azure


Export Azure credentials:


create a service principal:

❯ make -f hack/build/ azure-sp

The appId, password, and tenant values are used in the next step:

export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<azure_subscription_id>"
export ARM_TENANT_ID="<azure_subscription_tenant_id>"
export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<service_principal_appid>"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<service_principal_password>"

Storage for Terraform

Create a Storage Account :

❯ make -f hack/build/ azure-storage-account

You could see the Key on the output.

Create storage container for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/ azure-storage-container AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Set permissions:

❯ make -f hack/build/ azure-permissions

Enable preview features:

❯ make -f hack/build/ azure-wasi


Github Actions with Terraform Cloud could used to deploy and undeploy the infrastructure:

Portefaix Azure deployment Portefaix Azure deletion

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Microsoft Azure (AZURE)

❯ . ./ azure
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials

Configure kubectl

❯ make -f hack/build/ azure-kube-credentials ENV=dev
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME                           STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-core-19506595-vmss000000   Ready    agent   8h    v1.18.10

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops



inspec is used to check infrastructure.


❯ make -f hack/build/ inspec-debug
Test infrastructure

 ────────────────────────────── Platform Details ──────────────────────────────

Name:      azure
Families:  cloud, api
Release:   azure_mgmt_resources-v0.17.8

Execute tests:

❯ make -f hack/build/ inspec-test SERVICE=iac/azure/<SERVICE> ENV=dev

You could upload JSON results file to Heimdall Lite to display ressults

Microsoft Azure CIS Foundations

You could perform tests accoring the CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Security Benchmark:

❯ make -f hack/build/ inspec-cis ENV=dev



resourcegroup-1Check that resource group exists
aks-1Ensure logging to Azure Monitor is configured
aks-2Ensure RBAC is enabled
aks-3Ensure API Server Authorized IP Ranges are configured