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Gitops model for Kubernetes using ArgoCD


    • gitops/argocd/bootstrap : Argo-CD deployment
    • gitops/argocd/stacks : Portefaix stacks : Argo-CD projects and applications
    • gitops/argocd/apps/<CLOUD>/<ENVIRONMENT> : Argo-CD applications deployed into the Kubernetes cluster
    • gitops/argocd/charts : Helm charts configurations

    To configure the Helm charts, we use YAML files :

    • values.yaml: common configuration to all Kubernetes cluster
    • values-<CLOUD>-<ENVIRONMENT>.yaml : configuration of the Helm chart for a Kubernetes cluster



    ❯ make bootstrap-argocd ENV=<environment> CLOUD=<cloud provider> CHOICE=helm


    Install a stack into the cluster:

    ❯ make argocd-stack-install ENV=<environment> CLOUD=<cloud provider> STACK=<stack name>


    • Core
    • System
    • Networking
    • Security
    • Observability
    • Chaos
    • Tools
    Argo-CD Stacks

    You can list stack installed:

    ❯ helm list -A
    NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                         STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
    argo-cd argocd          1               2022-06-08 07:40:20.039787662 +0200 CEST        deployed        argo-cd-1.0.0   4.5.0
    core    argocd          1               2022-06-08 07:42:03.285558277 +0200 CEST        deployed        stack-0.1.0     0.1.0
    system  argocd          1               2022-06-08 07:41:21.749647011 +0200 CEST        deployed        stack-0.1.0     0.1.0

    Argo-CD applications installs others Argo-CD applications:

    Argo-CD Observability Argo-CD Grafana

    Go to Argo-CD dashboard, you will see Argo-CD corresponding applications.

    You can list Stack applications using the labels portefaix-stack