1 - Portefaix Infrastructure

Learn about deploying Portefaix infrastructure

1.1 - Amazon Web Services

Running Portefaix on Amazon Web Services

1.1.1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Amazon Web Services
Portefaix components Portefaix components

1.1.2 - Install on Amazon Web Services

Running Portefaix on Amazon Web Services


Creates an AWS Organization, and enable Service Control Policies in AWS organizations.

Now that we’ve created an organization, you’ll notice that all the policies are disabled by default.

There you need to enable AWS Service Control Policies in the AWS console by clicking on the button Enable service control policies. Do the same action for the AWS Tag Policies.

Navigate to Personal Health Dashboard service in the console. On the left side panel, expand Organizational view and choose configurations. Then, enable organizational view for AWS Health

Create an admin user, and configure account alias for IAM Users access

Then API Keys.

Configure Portefaix environment file ${HOME}/.config/portefaix/portefaix.sh:

HOME_IP=$(curl -s http://ifconfig.me)

function setup_aws() {
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="....."
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="....."
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="..."
    export AWS_REGION="...."
    # For Terraform Cloud
    export TF_VAR_access_key="${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}"
    export TF_VAR_secret_key="${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}"
    export TF_VAR_slack_webhook_url="${SLACK_WEBHOOK_NOTIFS}"
    export TF_VAR_org_email="xxxxxx"    # for Root Account
    export TF_VAR_org_email_domain="gmail.com"
    export TF_VAR_org_admin_username="xxxxxx"
    export TF_VAR_admin_ipv4="[\"${HOME_IP}/32\"]" # for WAF

Load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh aws

Storage for Terraform

Create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk aws-s3-bucket ENV=staging

Create a DynamoDB table :

❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk aws-dynamodb-create-table ENV=staging

AWS Organization Units and Accounts

Configure the AWS Organization:

❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/aws/root ENV=main

Portefaix AWS organization

Terraform Cloud / Github Actions

❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/aws/terraform-cloud ENV=main
Portefaix AWS deployment Portefaix Azure deletion



Configure the AWS provider

❯ . ./portefaix.sh aws
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials

Perform an AWS authentication:

❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk ENV=staging aws-admin
source ./hack/scripts/aws-auth.sh xxxxxx Administrator portefaix-staging-eks eu-west-1

source ./hack/scripts/aws-auth.sh xxxxxxx Administrator portefaix-staging-eks eu-west-1

Update Kubernetes configuration file:

❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk ENV=staging aws-kube-credentials

❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ip-10-0-13-85.eu-west-1.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   81m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326
ip-10-0-29-115.eu-west-1.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   81m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326
ip-10-0-60-137.eu-west-1.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   81m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326
ip-10-0-70-76.eu-west-1.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   81m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326


You would use the AWS System Manager plugin to connect to EC2 and EKS instances:

❯ aws ec2 describe-instances --output table

❯ aws ssm start-session --target i-019042b3847f5c81f
Starting session with SessionId: portefaix-admin-031b2ba6d981142b0

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops


Inspec is used to check infrastructure.


❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk inspec-debug
Test infrastructure

 ────────────────────────────── Platform Details ──────────────────────────────

Name:      aws
Families:  cloud, api
Release:   train-aws: v0.1.15, aws-sdk-core: v3.94.0

Execute tests:

❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk inspec-test SERVICE=iac/aws/<SERVICE> ENV=staging

You could upload JSON results file to Heimdall Lite to display ressults

CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark

You could perform tests according to the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark:

❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk inspec-aws-cis ENV=staging

CIS Kubernetes Benchmark

❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk inspec-aws-kubernetes ENV=staging


❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk inspec-test SERVICE=iac/aws/vpc ENV=staging


vpc-1Ensure that VPC exist and tags correcly set
vpc-2Ensure that VPC have an Internet Gateway
vpc-3Check AWS Security Groups does not have undesirable rules
vpc-4Ensure that VPC Subnets exists


❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk inspec-test SERVICE=iac/aws/eks ENV=staging


eks-1Ensure the AWS EKS Cluster is running a minimal version
eks-2Ensure the AWS EKS Cluster control plane has audit logs enabled
eks-3Ensure the AWS EKS Cluster is not public
eks-4Ensure the AWS EKS Cluster has application secrets encryption enabled
eks-5Ensure AWS EKS Cluster Subnets are specific
eks-6Ensure AWS EKS Cluster Nodegroups do not allow remote access from all IPs


❯ make -f hack/build/aws.mk inspec-test SERVICE=iac/aws/observability ENV=staging


grafana-1Ensure IAM roles and policies exists
prometheus-1Ensure IAM roles and policies exists
thanos-1Ensure that S3 bucket exist and tags correcly set
thanos-2Ensure that S3 log bucket exist and tags correcly set
thanos-3Ensure that Kms key exist
thanos-4Ensure IAM roles and policies exists
loki-1Ensure that S3 bucket exist and tags correcly set
loki-2Ensure that S3 log bucket exist and tags correcly set
loki-3Ensure that Kms key exist
loki-4Ensure IAM roles and policies exists
tempo-1Ensure that S3 bucket exist and tags correcly set
tempo-2Ensure that S3 log bucket exist and tags correcly set
tempo-3Ensure that Kms key exist
tempo-4Ensure IAM roles and policies exists

1.2 - Microsoft Azure

Running Portefaix on Azure

1.2.1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Microsoft Azure
Portefaix components Portefaix components

1.2.2 - Install on Microsoft Azure

Running Portefaix on Microsoft Azure


Export Azure credentials:


create a service principal:

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk azure-sp

The appId, password, and tenant values are used in the next step:

export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<azure_subscription_id>"
export ARM_TENANT_ID="<azure_subscription_tenant_id>"
export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<service_principal_appid>"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<service_principal_password>"

Storage for Terraform

Create a Storage Account :

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk azure-storage-account

You could see the Key on the output.

Create storage container for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk azure-storage-container AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Set permissions:

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk azure-permissions

Enable preview features:

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk azure-wasi


Github Actions with Terraform Cloud could used to deploy and undeploy the infrastructure:

Portefaix Azure deployment Portefaix Azure deletion

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Microsoft Azure (AZURE)

❯ . ./portefaix.sh azure
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials

Configure kubectl

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk azure-kube-credentials ENV=dev
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME                           STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-core-19506595-vmss000000   Ready    agent   8h    v1.18.10

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops



inspec is used to check infrastructure.


❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk inspec-debug
Test infrastructure

 ────────────────────────────── Platform Details ──────────────────────────────

Name:      azure
Families:  cloud, api
Release:   azure_mgmt_resources-v0.17.8

Execute tests:

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk inspec-test SERVICE=iac/azure/<SERVICE> ENV=dev

You could upload JSON results file to Heimdall Lite to display ressults

Microsoft Azure CIS Foundations

You could perform tests accoring the CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Security Benchmark:

❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk inspec-cis ENV=dev



resourcegroup-1Check that resource group exists
aks-1Ensure logging to Azure Monitor is configured
aks-2Ensure RBAC is enabled
aks-3Ensure API Server Authorized IP Ranges are configured

1.3 - Google Cloud Platform

Running Portefaix on Google Cloud Platform
Portefaix Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.3.1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Google Cloud Platform
Portefaix Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.3.2 - Install on Google Cloud Platform

Running Portefaix on Google Cloud Platform


Create a Google Cloud Organization using Google Workspace or Cloud Identity

See: https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/creating-managing-organization?hl=fr


Authenticate on the Google Cloud Platform:

❯ gcloud auth login

❯ gcloud organizations list
xxxxxxx              xxxxxx               xxxxxxxx

You could find the GCP_USER:

❯ gcloud auth list
            Credentialed Accounts
*       xxxxxxxxxxxx@portefaix.xyz

Create the Service Account on bootstrap project:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-bootstrap-sa
❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-bootstrap-credentials
❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-bootstrap-iam GCP_ORG_ID=xxxx

Enable APIs on Bootstrap project:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-bootstrap-apis

Bootstrap the organization:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-organization-bootstrap GCP_ORG_ID=xxxxxxxxxxx GCP_USER=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Then go to https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-setup/organization to creates groups and create the billing account.

Then create the bootstrap project:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-organization-project GCP_ORG_NAME=xxxx GCP_ORG_ID=xxxxxxxxxxx

Associate this project to the Billing Account (on GCP console or using gcloud):

gcloud alpha billing accounts projects link my-project --billing-account=xxxxxxx

Then create the bucket for boostraping the organization:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-bucket GCP_ORG_NAME=xxxxxxx


❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/gcp/root ENV=main

Terraform Cloud / Github Actions

Terraform Cloud is used as the remote backend. Github Actions perform tasks to deploy and undeploy the GCP infrastructure.

Configure Terraform Cloud workspaces:

❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/gcp/terraform-cloud ENV=main
Portefaix GCP deployment Portefaix GCP deletion

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Cloud IAP

To enable Cloud IAP, you need first to configure the OAuth consent screen. If you still haven’t configured the OAuth consent screen, you can do so with an email address and product name. See https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849?hl=en#zippy=%2Cuser-consent

Then creates the Oauth credentials. Select the OAuth client ID from the Create credentials drop-down list and then select web application from the application type. Next, add a name for your OAuth client ID and click create.


❯ . ./portefaix.sh gcp
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials


❯ make -f hack/build/azure.mk gck-kube-credentials CLOUD=gcp ENV=dev
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
gke-xxxxxxxxxx-cluster-g-core-5d5d62be-tf15   Ready    <none>   7h37m   v1.18.10-gke.601

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops


inspec is used to check infrastructure:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk inspec-debug
Test infrastructure

 ────────────────────────────── Platform Details ──────────────────────────────

Name:      gcp
Families:  cloud, api
Release:   google-api-client-v0.34.1

Execute tests:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/<SERVICE> ENV=dev

You could upload JSON results file to Heimdall Lite to display ressults

CIS Kubernetes Benchmark

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk inspec-gcp-kubernetes ENV=dev


You could perform tests accoring the GCP CIS:

❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk inspec-cis ENV=dev


❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/vpc ENV=dev


vpc-1Ensure default network is deleted
vpc-2Ensure network is correctly configure


❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/gke ENV=dev


gke-1Stackdriver Logging and Monitoring is configured
gke-2Basic Authentication is disabled
gke-3Ensure GKE Nodes are not public
gke-4Ensure the GKE Control Plane is not public
gke-5Ensure the Network Policy managed addon is enabled
gke-6Ensure OAuth Access Scopes and dedicated Service Accounts for node pools
gke-7Ensure GKE Node Pools should use the COS or COS_CONTAINERD Operating System
gke-8GKE Workload Identity should be enabled on all node pools
gke-9GKE Shielded Nodes should be enabled on all NodePools
gke-10Ensure instances have labels
gke-11Ensure instances have tags


❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/sops ENV=dev


sops-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
sops-2Ensure that Kms key exist


❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/observability ENV=dev


grafana-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
prometheus-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
thanos-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
thanos-2Ensure that bucket exists and labels correcly set
thanos-3Ensure that Kms key exist
loki-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
loki-2Ensure that bucket exists and labels correcly set
loki-3Ensure that Kms key exist
tempo-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
tempo-2Ensure that bucket exists and labels correcly set
tempo-3Ensure that Kms key exist


❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/velero ENV=dev


velero-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
velero-2Ensure that bucket exists and labels correcly set
velero-3Ensure that Kms key exist


❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/vector ENV=dev


vector-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists
vector-2Ensure that bucket exists and labels correcly set
vector-3Ensure that Kms key exist


❯ make -f hack/build/gcp.mk gcp-inspec-test SERVICE=iac/gcp/external-dns ENV=dev


external_dns-1Ensure service account and IAM binding exists

1.4 - Alicloud

Running Portefaix on Alicloud

1.4.1 - Overview

Running Portefaix on Alibaba Cloud ACK
Portefaix components Portefaix components

1.4.2 - Install on Alibaba Cloud

Running Portefaix on Alibaba Cloud ACK


Create an admin user, then API Keys. And configure Portefaix environment file ${HOME}/.config/portefaix/portefaix.sh:

# Alicloud
function setup_alicloud() {
    # Alicloud User: Portefaix Admin
    export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxx"
    export ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export ALICLOUD_REGION="eu-central-1"
    # For Terraform Cloud
    export TF_VAR_access_key="${ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY}"
    export TF_VAR_secret_key="${ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY}"
    export TF_VAR_region="${ALICLOUD_REGION}"

And load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh alicloud

Storage for Terraform

Create an OSS bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/alicloud.mk aliyun-bucket-create ENV=staging

Create a TableStore instance:

❯ make -f hack/build/alicloud.mk aliyun-tablestore-create ENV=staging

Terraform Cloud / Github Actions

Terraform Cloud is used as the remote backend. Github Actions perform tasks to deploy the Alibaba Cloud infrastructure and undeploy:

Portefaix Alibaba Cloud deployment Portefaix Azure deletion

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Alibaba Cloud

Configure Alibaba Cloud

❯ . ./portefaix.sh alicloud
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials


Configure kubectl

❯ make kubernetes-credentials CLOUD=alicloud ENV=staging
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

Inspec for Alicloud


Inspec is used to check infrastructure.


❯ make -f hack/build/alicloud.mk inspec-alicloud-debug

Execute tests:

CIS Kubernetes Benchmark

❯ make -f hack/build/alicloud.mk inspec-alicloud-kubernetes ENV=staging

1.5 - Scaleway

Running Portefaix on Scaleway

1.5.1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Scaleway
Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.5.2 - Install on Scaleway

Running Portefaix on Scaleway


# Scaleway
function setup_scaleway() {
    export SCW_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxx"
    export SCW_SECRET_KEY="xxxx"
    export SCW_DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID="xxxx"
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-3"
    export AWS_REGION="eu-west-3"

And load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh scaleway

Storage for Terraform

Create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/scw.mk scw-bucket ENV=sandbox



❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=iac/scaleway/kapsule ENV=sandbox

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Scaleway

Configure Scaleway

❯ . ./portefaix.sh scaleway
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials

Configure kubectl

❯ make kubernetes-credentials CLOUD=scaleway ENV=sandbox
❯ kubectl get nodes

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

1.6 - Digital Ocean

Running Portefaix on Digital Ocean

1.6.1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Digital Ocean
Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.6.2 - Install on Digital Ocean

Running Portefaix on Digital Ocean


# Digital Ocean
function setup_digitalocean() {
    export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export SPACES_ENDPOINT_URL="fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com"
    export SPACES_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxxxxxxx"
    export SPACES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-3"
    export AWS_REGION="eu-west-3"

And load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh digitalocean

Storage for Terraform

Create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/digitalocean.mk exo-bucket ENV=dev

Authentication and Authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Digital Ocean

Configure Digital Ocean

❯ . ./portefaix.sh digitalocean
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials

Configure kubectl

❯ make kubernetes-credentials CLOUD=digitalocean ENV=dev
❯ kubectl get nodes

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

1.7 - Exoscale

Running Portefaix on Exoscale

1.7.1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Exoscale
Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.7.2 - Install on Exoscale

Running Portefaix on Exoscale


export EXOSCALE_API_KEY="xxxxx"
export EXOSCALE_API_SECRET="xxxxxxxxxxx"

And load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh exoscale

Storage for Terraform

Create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/exoscale.mk exo-bucket ENV=dev



❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=iac/exoscale/sks ENV=dev

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Exoscale

Configure Exoscale

❯ . ./portefaix.sh exoscale
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials

Configure kubectl

❯ make kubernetes-credentials CLOUD=exoscale ENV=dev
❯ kubectl get nodes

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

1.8 - Civo

Running Portefaix on Civo

1.8.1 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Civo
Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.8.2 - Install on Civo

Running Portefaix on Civo


# Civo
export CIVO_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

And load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh civo

Storage for Terraform



❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/civo/network ENV=dev


❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/civo/kubernetes ENV=dev

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Civo

Configure Civo

❯ . ./portefaix.sh civo
[ Portefaix ]
 Flux
 Pagerduty
 TerraformCloud
 Civo
✔ Done

Configure kubectl

❯ make -f hack/build/civo.mk civo-kube-credentials ENV=dev
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                                      STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
k3s-portefaix-dev-civo-691a-de1391-node-pool-8c2e-859cq   Ready    <none>   6m29s   v1.22.2+k3s1

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

1.9 - IBM Cloud

Running Portefaix on IBM Cloud

1.9.1 - Install on IBM Cloud

Portefaix architecture on IBM Cloud
Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.9.2 - Install on IBMCloud

Running Portefaix on IBMCloud


# IBMCloud
export IAAS_CLASSIC_USERNAME="xxxxxxxxxxxx"
export IC_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export IAAS_CLASSIC_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# For Terraform Backend S3
# See 

And load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh ibmcloud


❯ make -f hack/build/ibmcloud.mk ibmcloud-init ENV=staging

Then, generate the right set of HMAC credentials : documentation

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxxxxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Storage for Terraform

Create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/ibmcloud.mk ibmcloud-bucket-create ENV=staging



❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/ibmcloud/vpc ENV=staging


❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/ibmcloud/iks ENV=staging

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in IBMCloud

Configure IBMCloud CLI

❯ . ./portefaix.sh ibmcloud
[ Portefaix ]
✔ Configuration file
✔ Flux
✔ PagerDuty
✔ Terraform Cloud
✔ IBMCloud

Configure kubectl

❯ make -f hack/build/ibmcloud.mk ibmcloud-kube-credentials CLOUD=ibmcloud ENV=staging
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME            STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION     Ready    <none>   13m   v1.22.7+IKS      Ready    <none>   29m   v1.22.7+IKS   Ready    <none>   12m   v1.22.7+IKS    Ready    <none>   29m   v1.22.7+IKS     Ready    <none>   29m   v1.22.7+IKS     Ready    <none>   13m   v1.22.7+IKS

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

1.10 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Running Portefaix on OCI

1.10.1 - Install Portefaix

Instructions for deploying Portefaix on Oracle Cloud


Configure Oracle CLI. See https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/apisigningkey.htm

Load environment :

❯ . ./portefaix.sh oci

Then authentication:

❯ make -f hack/build/oci.mk oci-authenticate  ENV=staging

Create a new compartment

❯ make -f hack/build/oci.mk oci-compartment ENV=staging

Storage for Terraform

Check compartement ID from output of the previous command and create a S3 bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/oci.mk oci-bucket ENV=staging COMPARTMENT_ID=ocid1.compartment.oc1....


❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/oci/root ENV=main
❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/oci/terraform-cloud ENV=main

Terraform Cloud / Github Actions

Terraform Cloud is used as the remote backend. Github Actions perform tasks to deploy the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Configure Terraform Cloud workspaces:

❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/oci/terraform-cloud ENV=main

Authentication and authorization

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Exoscale

Configure Exoscale

❯ . ./portefaix.sh exoscale
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials

Configure kubectl

❯ make kubernetes-credentials CLOUD=exoscale ENV=dev
❯ kubectl get nodes

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

1.10.2 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Orange Cloud Infrastructure
Infrastructure Portefaix components

1.11 - Homelab

Running Portefaix on Homelab
Portefaix components Portefaix components Portefaix components

1.11.1 - Install Portefaix

Instructions for deploying Portefaix infrastructure on Homelab

Operating System

Setup operating system for Raspberry PI.

See: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/


❯ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=noerror status=progress
❯ sudo./hack/scripts/sdcard.sh <hostname> /dev/mmcblk0

Enable SSH :

❯ make -f hack/build/k3s.mk sdcard-mount ENV=homelab
❯ sudo touch /mnt/portefaix/boot/ssh
echo portefaix-xxx | sudo tee /mnt/portefaix/root/etc/hostname
❯ make -f hack/build/k3s.mk sdcard-unmount ENV=homelab

Copy keys to each node:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub pi@x.x.x.x


❯ make ansible-deps SERVICE=ansible/k3s/machines CLOUD=k3s ENV=homelab
❯ make ansible-run SERVICE=ansible/k3s/machines CLOUD=k3s ENV=homelab


Create the master :

❯ make -f hack/build/k3s.mk  k3s-create ENV=homelab SERVER_IP=x.x.x.x EXTERNAL_IP=x.x.x.x

For each node, add it to the cluster, then add a label:

❯ make -f hack/build/k3s.mk k3s-join ENV=homelab SERVER_IP=x.x.x.x AGENT_IP=x.x.x.x EXTERNAL_IP=x.x.x.x

Authentication and authorization

❯ make kubernetes-credentials CLOUD=k3s ENV=homelab

Set labels:

❯ kubectl label node <NODE_NAME> node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=true

We add also these labels:

node-role.kubernetes.io/infra=trueFor core components
node-role.kubernetes.io/lowcost=trueFor pocs, small applications, …

The nodes are in a NotReady state, due to the Pod Networking CNI plugin is not available. Cilium must be installed:

❯ make bootstrap-crds ENV=homelab CLOUD=k3s
❯ make bootstrap-cilium ENV=homelab CLOUD=k3s

Then check nodes:

❯ kubectl get node -o wide
NAME          STATUS     ROLES                       AGE     VERSION        INTERNAL-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      OS-IMAGE           KERNEL-VERSION     CONTAINER-RUNTIME
portefaix     Ready      control-plane,etcd,master   3h37m   v1.30.2+k3s1    Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-36-generic   containerd://1.7.17-k3s1
portefaix-1   NotReady   lowcost,worker              155m    v1.30.2+k3s1    Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-1005-raspi   containerd://1.7.17-k3s1
portefaix-2   Ready      lowcost,worker              154m    v1.30.2+k3s1   Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-1005-raspi   containerd://1.7.17-k3s1
portefaix-6   Ready      infra,worker                3h21m   v1.30.2+k3s1   Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-36-generic   containerd://1.7.17-k3s1
portefaix-7   Ready      infra,worker                3h18m   v1.30.2+k3s1    Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-36-generic   containerd://1.7.17-k3s1

and Cilium status:

❯ cilium status
 /¯¯\__/¯¯\    Cilium:         OK
 \__/¯¯\__/    Operator:       OK
 /¯¯\__/¯¯\    Hubble:         OK
 \__/¯¯\__/    ClusterMesh:    disabled

Deployment        cilium-operator    Desired: 1, Ready: 1/1, Available: 1/1
DaemonSet         cilium             Desired: 4, Ready: 4/4, Available: 4/4
Deployment        hubble-relay       Desired: 1, Ready: 1/1, Available: 1/1
Deployment        hubble-ui          Desired: 1, Ready: 1/1, Available: 1/1
Containers:       cilium             Running: 4
                  cilium-operator    Running: 1
                  hubble-relay       Running: 1
                  hubble-ui          Running: 1
Cluster Pods:     4/4 managed by Cilium


R2 is used to store the Terraform states and for S3 buckets

Setup your Cloudflare Account ID, and your AWS credentials

function setup_cloudflare() {
    echo_info "Cloudflare"
    export CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID="xxxxxxxx"
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxxxxxxxx"
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxx"

function setup_cloud_provider {
    case $1 in

            echo -e "${KO_COLOR}Invalid cloud provider: $1.${NO_COLOR}"

The creates the bucket for Terraform:

❯ make -f hack/build/k3s.mk cloudflare-bucket-create ENV=homelab
[portefaix] Create bucket for Terraform states
    "Location": "/portefaix-homelab-tfstates"


Configure DNS:

❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/k3s/dns ENV=homelab

Creates the R2 buckets for Observability components:

❯ make terraform-apply SERVICE=terraform/k3s/observability ENV=homelab


Next: Gitops

1.11.2 - Overview

Portefaix architecture on Homelab
Portefaix components Portefaix components

2 - Cloud Native Applications

Learn about deploying applications into a Portefaix infrastructure

2.1 - GitOps

Gitops managed applications


OpenGitops Principles

2.2 - Argo-CD

Gitops model for Kubernetes using ArgoCD


  • gitops/argocd/bootstrap : Argo-CD deployment
  • gitops/argocd/stacks : Portefaix stacks : Argo-CD projects and applications
  • gitops/argocd/apps/<CLOUD>/<ENVIRONMENT> : Argo-CD applications deployed into the Kubernetes cluster
  • gitops/argocd/charts : Helm charts configurations

To configure the Helm charts, we use YAML files :

  • values.yaml: common configuration to all Kubernetes cluster
  • values-<CLOUD>-<ENVIRONMENT>.yaml : configuration of the Helm chart for a Kubernetes cluster



❯ make bootstrap-argocd ENV=<environment> CLOUD=<cloud provider> CHOICE=helm


Install a stack into the cluster:

❯ make argocd-stack-install ENV=<environment> CLOUD=<cloud provider> STACK=<stack name>


  • Core
  • System
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Observability
  • Chaos
  • Tools
Argo-CD Stacks

You can list stack installed:

❯ helm list -A
NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                         STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
argo-cd argocd          1               2022-06-08 07:40:20.039787662 +0200 CEST        deployed        argo-cd-1.0.0   4.5.0
core    argocd          1               2022-06-08 07:42:03.285558277 +0200 CEST        deployed        stack-0.1.0     0.1.0
system  argocd          1               2022-06-08 07:41:21.749647011 +0200 CEST        deployed        stack-0.1.0     0.1.0

Argo-CD applications installs others Argo-CD applications:

Argo-CD Observability Argo-CD Grafana

Go to Argo-CD dashboard, you will see Argo-CD corresponding applications.

You can list Stack applications using the labels app.kubernetes.io/component: portefaix-stack

2.3 - FluxCD

Gitops model for Kubernetes using Flux v2

Gitops model used is Flux v2

Flux v2


Manifests files :

  • kubernetes/base directory contains manifests for all components
  • kubernetes/overlays/** directory contains Kustomize overlays

Flux components are deployed for each cluster on clusters/<CLOUD>/<ENV>/ :

  • clusters/<CLOUD>/<ENV>/flux-system : Flux core components
  • clusters/<CLOUD>/<ENV>/*.yaml : Flux Kustomization files for components



❯ make bootstrap-fluxcd ENV=<environment> CLOUD=<cloud provider> BRANCH=<git branch to use>


You can list stack installed:

❯ kubectl -n flux-system get kustomization -l "app.kubernetes.io/component=portefaix-stack"
NAME            AGE    READY   STATUS
core            107m   True    Applied revision: feat/weave-gitops/2ea4d23f1ae31bfb6afbe57a4662b5990dcf3307
observability   109m   True    Applied revision: feat/weave-gitops/2ea4d23f1ae31bfb6afbe57a4662b5990dcf3307

And Helm releases:

❯ helm list -A
NAME                            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION
alertmanager-mixin              monitoring      1               2022-08-08 10:57:51.540267795 +0000 UTC deployed        alertmanager-mixin-0.6.0        0.23.0
kube-prometheus-stack           monitoring      1               2022-08-08 10:57:52.701498295 +0000 UTC deployed        kube-prometheus-stack-35.0.3    0.56.0
kube-state-metrics-mixin        monitoring      1               2022-08-08 10:57:52.285323133 +0000 UTC deployed        kube-state-metrics-mixin-0.10.0 2.2.4
kubernetes-mixin                monitoring      1               2022-08-08 10:57:52.528376605 +0000 UTC deployed        kubernetes-mixin-0.8.0          0.8.0
kyverno                         flux-system     1               2022-08-08 09:00:31.649605165 +0000 UTC deployed        kyverno-crds-v2.0.3             v1.4.3
metrics-server                  kube-system     1               2022-08-08 10:57:41.851963826 +0000 UTC failed          metrics-server-3.8.2            0.6.1
prometheus-mixin                monitoring      1               2022-08-08 10:57:53.019370201 +0000 UTC deployed        prometheus-mixin-0.10.0         2.31.1
prometheus-operator-mixin       monitoring      1               2022-08-08 10:57:53.815678548 +0000 UTC deployed        prometheus-operator-mixin-0.8.0 0.52.1
weawe-gitops                    flux-system     1               2022-08-08 07:49:32.97390968 +0000 UTC  deployed        weave-gitops-2.2.5              v0.9.1
Flux-CD Applications Details Graph



Create a Kubernetes secret file from sensitive file.

Ex: for Thanos configuration :

❯ cat .secrets/aws/object-store.yaml
type: S3
  bucket: xxxxxxxxxxx
  endpoint: s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com
  region: eu-west-3
❯ make kubernetes-secret NAME=thanos-object-storage NAMESPACE=monitoring FILE=.secrets/aws/object-store.yaml > thanos-object-storage.yaml


Encrypt the file using Sops:

❯ make sops-encrypt ENV=staging CLOUD=aws FILE=thanos-object-storage.yaml

You can now safely store this file into Git.

❯ mv thanos-object-storage.yaml kubernetes/overlays/staging/monitoring/thanos/


Check you can decrypt the file:

❯ make sops-decrypt FILE=kubernetes/overlays/staging/monitoring/thanos/thanos-object-storage.yaml
apiVersion: v1
    object-store.yaml: xxxxxxxxxxx
kind: Secret
    creationTimestamp: null
    name: thanos-object-storage
    namespace: monitoring




Generate a GPG key with OpenPGP without specifying a passphrase:

❯ gpg --full-generate-key

Real name: nlamirault
Email address: nlamirault@users.noreply.github.com
You selected this USER-ID:
    "nlamirault <nlamirault@users.noreply.github.com>"

Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? O

Retrieve the GPG key ID:

❯ gpg --export-secret-keys \
--armor FC5BB3323309486AC8DA477CEC6421C7C33D2301

Add this output into a Github Secret SOPS_GPG_KEY.

On the e2e Github Action workflow, we create a Kubernetes secret sops-gpg which will be used by Flux.