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Portefaix on Alibaba Cloud

Running Portefaix on Alibaba Cloud ACK
Portefaix components Portefaix components

1 - Deployment

Instructions for deploying Portefaix on Alibaba Cloud ACK

1.1 - Install Portefaix

Instructions for deploying Portefaix on Alibaba Cloud


Create an admin user, then API Keys. And configure Portefaix environment file ${HOME}/.config/portefaix/

# Alicloud
function setup_alicloud() {
    # Alicloud User: Portefaix Admin
    export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxx"
    export ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export ALICLOUD_REGION="eu-central-1"
    # For Terraform Cloud
    export TF_VAR_access_key="${ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY}"
    export TF_VAR_secret_key="${ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY}"
    export TF_VAR_region="${ALICLOUD_REGION}"

And load environment :

❯ . ./ alicloud

Storage for Terraform

Create an OSS bucket for Terraform states:

❯ make -f hack/build/ aliyun-bucket-create ENV=staging

Create a TableStore instance:

❯ make -f hack/build/ aliyun-tablestore-create ENV=staging

Terraform Cloud / Github Actions

Terraform Cloud is used as the remote backend. Github Actions perform tasks to deploy the Alibaba Cloud infrastructure.

Portefaix Alibaba Cloud deployment

Gitops for Kubernetes

Next: Gitops

1.2 - Inspec Portefaix

Instructions for check Portefaix infrastructure on Alibaba Cloud

Inspec is used to check infrastructure.


❯ make -f hack/build/ inspec-alicloud-debug

Execute tests:

CIS Kubernetes Benchmark

❯ make -f hack/build/ inspec-alicloud-kubernetes ENV=staging

1.3 - Uninstall Portefaix

Instructions for uninstall Portefaix


Github Actions with Terraform Cloud could be used to delete the infrastructure:

Portefaix Azure deletion

2 - Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and authorization support for Portefaix in Alibaba Cloud

This section shows the how to setup Portefaix with authentication and authorization support in Alibaba Cloud

Configure Alibaba Cloud

❯ . ./ alicloud
[ Portefaix ]
Setup credentials


Configure kubectl

❯ make kubernetes-credentials CLOUD=alicloud ENV=staging
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION

3 - Troubleshooting Deployments on Alibaba Cloud ACK

Help diagnose and fix issues you may encounter in your Portefaix deployment